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Terms for subject Law (25905 entries)
familiegoed dat niet vatbaar is voor beslag homestead immune from attachment
familielid van een vreemdeling family member of foreign national
familienaam surname
familierechtelijke betrekking privity of blood
familievennootschap family company
familievennootschap private company
fantasiepaspoort pseudo-passport
farmaceutisch octrooi pharmaceutical patent
fase van heffing stage at which tax is charged
fase van onderbewindstelling provisional supervision
fasen van de externe controle external audit phases
fasen van de procedure stages of procedure
fatale termijn final date
fatwa fatwa
federaal parket federal prosecutor's office
federale data-ombudsman federal commissioner for data protection
federale data-ombudsman federal data ombudsman
Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie Justice FPS
Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie Federal Department of Justice
Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie Federal Public Service Justice