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Terms for subject Environment (22999 entries)
zak bag
zakelijk verkeer commercial traffic (The operations and movements related to the transportation and exchange of goods)
zakelijke activiteit business activity
zakelijke activiteit business activity (Any profit-seeking undertaking or venture that involves the production, sale and purchase of goods or services)
zakelijke/commerciële activiteit business activity
zakenwereld business (The activity, position or site associated with commerce or the earning of a livelihood)
zakenwereld business
zakfilter bag filter
zakwater leachate
zakwaterbehandeling leachate treatment
zand sand (A loose material consisting of small mineral particles, or rock and mineral particles, distinguishable by the naked eye; grains vary from almost spherical to angular, with a diameter range from 1/16 to 2 millimeters)
zand- en kleiafval waste sand and clays
zandbankontginning sea bed mining
zandbankontginning sea bed mining (The activity or processes involving the extraction of mineral deposits from the surface, or below the surface, of the ocean floor)
zandduin sand dune (An accumulation of loose sand heaped up by the wind, commonly found along low-lying seashores above high-tide level, more rarely on the border of large lakes or river valleys, as well as in various desert regions, where there is abundant dry surface sand during some part of the year)
zandgroeve sand pit (A place where sand is extracted from the ground)
zandhoos dust bowl
zandklasseerzeef grit extractor-classifier
zandminnende plant psammophyte
zandminnende plant sand plant