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Terms for subject Environment (22999 entries)
OESO-indeling van afvalstoffen bestemd voor nuttige toepassing OECD classification list of wastes destined for recovery operations
oesterbank oyster bank
oesterbank oyster bar (Am.Eng.)
oesterbank oyster bed
oesterbank oyster flat
oesterbank oysterage
oestercultuur oyster farming (There are two types of oyster farming: suspension culture, in which oysters are grown off bottom, in floating trays, is a labor-intensive form of cultivation that requires continuous tending and cleaning of both gear and shellfish, and bottom culture, which is similar to conventional crop farming on land; it involves selecting areas of the sea floor that provide a natural food supply, necessary currents, minimum exposure to predators, and proper temperature and then "seeding" the bottom with shellfish stock that are left to grow to market size. Then they are harvested with a bottom drag from a boat. Both suspension culture and bottom culture depend on natural food supplies for growing the shellfish being raised)
oesterteelt oyster farming
oeverbegeleident veen riverine fen
oeverfiltraat bank-filtered water
oeverfiltratie bank filtration
oevergebied alluvial area
oeverstaat Riparian Party
riparian zone
oevervegetatie riverside vegetation (Plants growing in areas adjacent to rivers and streams)
riverside vegetation
oevervoorraadsvorming bankside storage
officiële hoorzitting official hearing
officiële hoorzitting official hearing (Proceedings of relative formality, with definite issues of fact or of law to be tried, in which witnesses are heard and parties proceeded against have right to be heard)
offset offset investment