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Terms for subject Procedural law (1062 entries)
lotsverbondenheid tussen echtgenoten permanent intention to remain married
maatregelen inzake bijzondere jeugdbijstand assistance with the upbringing of the child
machtiging tot middellijke vertegenwoordiging mandate for indirect representation
machtiging tot onmiddellijke vertegenwoordiging mandate for direct representation
mede-eigendom co-ownership
medisch begeleide voortplanting post mortem medically assisted reproduction after death of man providing sperm
meemoederschap co-maternity
meerderjarigheid full age
minderjarige waaraan handlichting is verleend emancipated child
mondelinge overeenkomst oral contract
mondelinge overeenkomst verbal agreement
mondelinge overeenkomst verbal contract
N/A settlement of rights in property arising out of the matrimonial relationship
N/A liquidation of the matrimonial property
N/A BE widowhood
N/A BE ward of court
N/A NL ward of court
naam en voornaam surname and first name
naamsverandering change of surname
naamsverkrijging choice of surname