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Terms for subject Accounting (1689 entries)
kortlopend papier short-term paper/securities
kortlopende effecten (exclusief financiële derivaten) short-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivatives
kortlopende leningen short-term loans
kost cost
kostbaarheden valuables
kosten van eigendomsoverdracht costs of ownership transfer
kosten van schulden interest payable
kosten/baten-analyse cost-benefit analysis
kosteneffectiviteitsanalyse cost-effectiveness analysis
kostenverdeelstaat cost apportionment statement
kostprijsmethode cost method
kredietlijnen line of credit
kredietverstrekkers money lenders
kruisposten cash clearing account
kruisposten internal transfers
kwaliteitsbewakingsprocedure quality control procedure
kwaliteitsborgingstelsel system of quality assurance
kwaliteitsverschillen quality (differences)
kwartaalrekeningen quarterly accounts
land country