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Terms for subject Ecology (146 entries)
koolstofvastlegging CO<
koolstofvastlegging sub>
koolstofvastlegging 2<
koolstofvastlegging /sub>
koolstofvastlegging sequestration
koolstofvastlegging carbon dioxide sequestration
koolstofvastlegging carbon sequestration
koppelingsrichtlijn linking directive
kredietrecht credit entitlement
Kyoto-eenheid Kyoto unit
langetermijn-CER long-term certified emission reduction
langetermijn-CER long-term CER
mechanisme voor sectorale creditering sectoral crediting mechanism
Mededeling van de Commissie aan de Raad en het Europese Parlement en het Economisch en Sociaal Comité - Groenboek inzake herstel van milieuschade Communication from the Commission to the Council and Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee: Green Paper on remedying environmental damage
mondiale koolstofmarkt global carbon market
nadelige gevolgen van klimaatverandering adverse effects of climate change
nationaal administratief platform national administrative platform
nationaal Protocol van Kyoto-register Kyoto Protocol National Registry
nationaal Protocol van Kyoto-register national KP registry
nationaal Protocol van Kyoto-register national Kyoto Protocol registry