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Terms for subject Law (25891 entries)
causaal verband causal connection
cautio judicatum solvi security for the costs of judicial proceedings
CE-markering EC mark
CE-markering CE label
CE-markering CE-marking
CE-markering van overeenstemming EC conformity marking
cedeerbaar deel vh loon transferable portion of the wages
cedent holder
Cedervall patent schroefasdichting Cedervall's patent sterntube gland
celibaatsclausule marriage clause
cell cubicle accommodation
cell cell
cellulaire gevangenisstraf reclusion
cellulaire gevangenisstraf solitary confinement
cellulaire opsluiting cellular imprisonment
cellulaire opsluiting solitary confinement
celstelsel cellular imprisonment
celstelsel solitary confinement
celstraf reclusion
celstraf solitary confinement