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Terms for subject Environment (22999 entries)
campagne tot bewustmaking van de burgers public awareness campaign
Canarische roodborsttapuit Canary Islands stonechat
cancerogenese carcinogenesis
capacitieve manometer capacitance manometer
capillaire porie capillary pore
capillaire water capillary water
capillaire zoom capillary fringe
Caraïbische Zee Caribbean Area
Caraïbische Zee Caribbean Area (A geographical region bordered on the south by South America and Panama, and on the west by Central America, and consisting of the West Indian, and nearby, islands and the Caribbean Sea, a part of the western Atlantic Ocean)
carbolineum carbolineum
carbonaat carbonate (A salt or ester of carbonic acid)
carbonaatafval carbonated waste
carbonaten (exclusief 02 04 02 en 19 10 03) carbonates (except 02 04 02 and 19 10 03)
carbonylverbinding carbonyl compound
carboxylatie carboxylation
carcinogene/kankerverwekkende stoffen carcinogen
carcinogenese carcinogenesis
carcinogeniteitsproef/-test carcinogenicity test
carnivoor carnivore
carnivoren/vleeseters carnivores