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Terms for subject Environment (22999 entries)
aandoening/ziekte die met het milieu te maken heeft environmentally related disease
aaneengroeien/ agglomeratie van steden urban agglomeration
aangelegd afvoerwateringssysteem built drainage system
aangelegd afvoerwateringssysteem built drainage system (Collection of open and/or closed drains, together with structures and pumps used to collect and dispose of excess surface or subsurface water)
aangelegde afvoer/-wateringssysteem built drainage system
aangetast ecosystee degraded ecosyste
aangetast hoogveen degraded raised bog
aangetaste bodem degraded land
aangetaste bodem degraded soil
aangewezen behandeling specific process
aangewezen nationale autoriteit Designated National Authority
aangifte notification (Information concerning a fact, actually communicated to a person by an authorized person)
aangroei fouling growth (The adhesion of different marine organisms to the underwater parts of ships, causing the ships to loose speed)
aangroei fouling growth
aanhoudend geluid steady noise (Unceasing prolonged noise, without interruption)
aanhoudend geluid steady noise
aankondiging advertisement
aankondiging advertisement (The action of drawing public attention to goods, services or events, often through paid announcements in newspapers, magazines, television or radio)
aankoopkosten van de coupons purchasing cost of the coupons
aanlanding landing