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Terms for subject Environment (21488 entries)
sali solidi contenenti nitruri (nitrometalli) solid salts containing nitrides (nitrometallic)
sali solidi contenenti solfati, solfiti e solfuri solid salts containing sulphates, sulphites or sulphides
salice lanuto woolly willow
salina salina (A place where crystalline salt deposits are formed or found, such as a salt flat or pan, a salada, or a salt lick)
salina salina
salinificazione del Reno salinification of the Rhine
salinità del suolo salinization
salinità del suolo soil salinity
salinità del suolo soil salinity (Measurement of the quantity of mineral salts found in a soil. Many semi-arid and arid areas are naturally salty. By definition they are areas of substantial water deficit where evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. Thus, whereas in humid areas there is sufficient water to percolate through the soil and to leach soluble materials from the soil and the rocks into the rivers and hence into the sea, in deserts this is not the case. Salts therefore tend to accumulate)
salinità del suolo salting of soil
salinità dell'acqua water salinity (The degree of dissolved salts in water measured by weight in parts per thousand)
salinizzazione salination
salinizzazione salinization
salinizzazione salination (The accumulation of soluble salts by evaporation of the waters that bore them to the soil zone, in a soil of an arid, poorly drained region)
salinizzazione salting of soil
salinizzazione del suolo soil salination
salinizzazione del suolo soil salination (The accumulation of soluble mineral salts near the surface of soil, usually caused by the capillary flow of water from saline ground water. Where the rate of surface evaporation is high, irrigation can exacerbate the problem by moistening the soil and causing water to be drawn from deeper levels as water evaporates from the surface. The evaporation of pure water leaves the salts behind, allowing them to accumulate, and they can reach concentrations that are toxic to plants, thus sterilizing the land)
salinizzazione dell'acqua water salination (Process by which water becomes more salty, found especially in hot countries where irrigation is practised)
salinizzazione, salinit... (contenuto salino) salinity
salinizzazione, salinit... (contenuto salino) salinization