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Terms for subject Taxes (1878 entries)
ritenuta d'acconto sul salario tax withheld from salary
ritenuta d'acconto sull'imposta sul reddito deduction at source of income tax
ritenuta d'imposta tax deducted at source
ritenuta d'imposta withholding tax
ritenuta fiscale tax withheld at source
ritenuta fiscale withholding tax
ritenuta per rivalsa pay as you earn
riutilizzazione delle entrate fiscali ploughing back of tax revenue
scala di aliquote semplificata simplified tax schedule
scheda di frode fraud form
scheda di mutua assistenza mutual assistance case form
sconto per pagamento anticipato discount for advance payment
scudo fiscale tax shield
scuola doganale customs school
sede centrale central management and control
sede di direzione place of management
sede principale central management and control
segreto fiscale tax secrecy
sgravi fiscali incentives
sgravi fiscali inducements