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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
informazione sui prodotti product information
informazione sui prodotti product information (Factual, circumstantial and, often, comparative knowledge concerning various goods, services or events, their quality and the entities producing them)
informazione tecnica technical information
informazione tecnica technical information (Factual data, knowledge or instructions relating to scientific research or the development, testing, evaluation, production, use or maintenance of equipment)
informazioni oggettive, affidabili, tempestive e comparabili objective, reliable, timely and comparable information
infrastruttura operativa, pubblicazioni e informazioni Operational infrastructure, Publications and Information
infrastruttura per l'informazione information infrastructure (The basic, underlying framework and features of a communications system supporting the exchange of knowledge, including hardware, software and transmission media)
Infrastruttura per l'informazione territoriale in Europa Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
Infrastruttura per l'informazione territoriale in Europa INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe
Infrastruttura per l'informazione territoriale nella Comunità Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
Infrastruttura per l'informazione territoriale nella Comunità INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe
infrastruttura sanitaria health facility
infrastruttura sanitaria health facility (A facility or location where medical, dental, surgical, or nursing attention or treatment is provided to humans or animals)
infrastruttura verde green infrastructure
infrastrutture infrastructure (The basic network or foundation of capital facilities or community investments which are necessary to support economic and community activities)
infrastrutture ambientali environmental infrastructure
infrastrutture per il traffico traffic infrastructure
infrastrutture per il traffico traffic infrastructure (The fundamental facilities and systems used for the movement of vehicles, often provided through public funding)
infrasuono infrasound (Vibrations of the air at frequencies too low to be perceived as sound by the human ear, below about 15 hertz)
infrazione infraction (A breach, violation, or infringement; as of a law, a contract, a right or duty)