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Terms for subject General (56133 entries)
delocalizzazione company migration
delocalizzazione delocalisation
delocalizzazione delocalisation of a company
delocalizzazione migration of undertakings
DELTA 4 Definition and design of an open defendable distributed computer system architecture
deltaplani hang gliders
deltatocoferolo E 309
deltatocoferolo delta tocopherol
deludere disappoint
delusione disappointment
deluso disappointed
demagnetizzatore degausser
demargarinazione winterisation
demenza alcoolica di Stearn Stearn alcoholic amentia
Democratici 66 Democrats 66
Democratici dell'UE Alliance for a Europe of Democracies
Democratici dell'UE EU Democrats
Democratici di sinistra Democrats of the Left
Democratici indipendenti croati Croatian Independent Democrats
Democratici liberi Free Democrats