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Terms for subject Agriculture (53965 entries)
carico insufficiente del pascolo undergrazing
carico insufficiente del pascolo understocking
carico ipotecario encumbrance of real estate
carico ipotecario incumbrance of real estate
carico istantaneo stocking
carico massimo di bestiame per ettaro foraggero maximum number of livestock per hectare of fodder area
carico medio incidence of browsing
carico medio incidence of grazing
carico medio rate of stocking
carico medio stocking
carico medio stocking rate
carico normale proper stocking
carico su trattore roading
carico turistico carrying capacity
carie bruna brown rot
carie del frumento stinking smut of wheat
carie distruttiva brown rot
carie nana del frumento dwarf bunt of wheat
carie secca brown rot
cariofillata herb bennet