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Terms for subject Medical (156974 entries)
borsa anserina anserine bursa
borsa anserina tibial intertendinous bursa
borsa anserina anterior genual bursa
borsa avventizia adventitous bursa
borsa bicipitale bicipitoradial bursa
borsa bicipitoradiale bicipitoradial bursa
borsa craniobuccale Rathke pouch
borsa craniobuccale Rathke pocket
borsa craniobuccale Rathke diverticulum
borsa craniobuccale pituitary diverticulum
borsa craniobuccale hypophyseal pouch
borsa craniobuccale craniopharyngeal canal
borsa da ghiaccio ice-bag
borsa del bicipite femorale inferiore lower bursa of biceps femoris muscle
borsa del bicipite femorale superiore upper bursa of biceps femoris muscle
borsa del bicipite gastrocnemiale bicipitogastrocnemial bursa
borsa del coracobrachiale bursa of coracobrachialis muscle
borsa del gastrocnemio Brodie's bursa
borsa del gastrocnemio mediale bursa of the tibial head of the gastrocnemicus muscle
borsa del gastrocnemio mediale lateral bursa of gastrocnemius muscle