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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
ukontrolleret strålekilde orphan radiation source
ukontrolleret strålekilde orphan source
ukontrolleret udledning af mineralsk olie i havet accidental discharge of oil into the sea
ukontrolleret udledning af mineralsk olie i havet accidental release of oil into the sea
ukontrolleret udledning af mineralsk olie i havet accidental spillage of oil at sea
ukrudt weed
ukrudt weed (Any plant that grows wild and profusely, especially one that grows among cultivated plants, depriving them of space, food, etc.)
ukrudtsbekæmpelse weed control (Freeing an area of land from weeds by several means, such as herbicides, tillage, burning, mowing, and crop competition)
uld wool (A textile fiber made from raw wool characterized by absorbency, resiliency and insulation)
uldaffald shoddy
uldstøv shoddy
ulme smouldering combustion
ulovlig grænseoverskridende handel med farligt affald illegal transboundary traffic in hazardous wastes
ulovlig handel med affald trafficking in waste
ulovlig handel med affald waste trafficking
ulovlig overførsel illegal shipment
ulovlig overførsel illegal shipment of waste
ulovlig overførsel af affald illegal shipment
ulovlig overførsel af affald illegal shipment of waste
ulovligt opført bygning unauthorised building