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Terms for subject Environment (21752 entries)
tog train (A connected group of railroad cars, usu. pushed or pulled by a locomotive)
toiletaffald sanitary waste
toksicitet af pesticider toxicity of pesticides
toksicitet for alger algal toxicity
toksicitetsækvivalens toxic equivalence
toksicitetsækvivalens toxicity equivalence
toksicitetsækvivalensfaktor toxicity equivalent factor
toksicitetsinterval toxicity range
toksicitetsprøve toxicity test
toksicitetstest,gennemstrømningsmetode toxicity test with continuous renewal
toksicitetstest,kontinuert metode toxicity test with continuous renewal
toksicitetstest,semistatisk metode toxicity test with periodic renewal
toksicitetstest,statisk metode toxicity test without renewal
toksikologi toxicology (A science that deals with poisons, their actions, their detection, and the treatment of the conditions they produce)
toksikologisk effektparameter toxicological endpoint
toksikologisk endpoint toxicological endpoint
toksikologisk undersøgelse toxicological testing (Test for the determination of the inherent toxicity of a chemical)
toksikologisk undersøgelse toxicological testing
toksikologisk vurdering toxicological assessment
toksikologisk vurdering toxicological assessment (The process of characterizing and evaluating the inherent toxicity of a chemical substance, a poison, etc.)