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Terms for subject Environment (21752 entries)
stoffers adfærd behaviour of substances (Reactivity of a compound depending on the structure of the molecules)
stoffers adfærd behaviour of substances
stofkoncentration i spildevand wastewater concentration
stofmisbrug drug abuse
stofskifte metabolism (All the chemical reactions that take place in a living organism, comprising both anabolism and catabolism. Basal metabolism is the energy exchange of an animal at rest. Catabolism is the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones. Catabolism is the breaking down by organisms of complex molecules into simpler ones with the liberation of energy)
stofskifteprodukt metabolite (A product of intermediary metabolism)
stofstrøm material flow
støj noise (Sound which is unwanted, either because of its effects on humans, its effect on fatigue or malfunction of physical equipment, or its interference with the perception or detection of other sounds)
støj fra bygge- og anlægsarbejde construction noise
støj fra bygge- og anlægsarbejde construction noise (Noise resulting from construction activities such as site preparation, site clearance, demolition of existing buildings, piling, concreting, erection of structures, etc.)
støj fra dyr animal noise (Noise caused by animals such as dogs kept in kennels or in private homes as pets)
støj fra dyr animal noise
støj fra erhvervsvirksomheder commercial noise (Noise emitted from commercial activities)
støj fra erhvervsvirksomheder industrial noise
støj fra erhvervsvirksomheder commercial noise
støj fra erhvervsvirksomheder industrial working noise
støj fra erhvervsvirksomheder noise from industry
støj fra luftfartøjer aircraft noise
støj fra luftfartøjer aircraft noise (Effective sound output of the various sources of noise associated with aircraft operation, such as propeller and engine exhaust, jet noise, and sonic boom)
støj i miljøet noise in the environment