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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (1921 entries)
statsløs i henhold til konventionen om statsløse personers retsstilling statutory stateless person
statutflygtning statutory refugee
stift endoskop rigid endoscope
stingafstand distance between each stitch
støttefarve spot colour
Støttegruppen for Afghanistan Afghanistan Support Group
strafbar handling offence charged, fact complained of
stråle colour shading
stråle feathering
stråle shaded colours
strategi for integreret grænseforvaltning integrated border management strategy
strategisk plan på asylområdet Policy Plan on Asylum
strategisk plan på asylområdet Asylum Policy Plan
stregarbejde line copy
stregarbejde line work
stregforlæg line copy
stregoriginal line copy
stregstruktur line structure
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
styret indvandring managed immigration