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Terms for subject General (46123 entries)
retslige anliggender legal affairs
retslige anliggender legal matters
retsregler legal rules
retsstatsprincippet rule of law
rette henstillinger til submit recommendations
rette ind align
rette ind train
rette opfordring til at byde issue invitations to tender
Retten European Court of Auditors
Retten sættes normalt i form af afdelinger the Court will normally sit in chambers
retten til at indgive andragender right of petition
retten til at indgive sager for en ombudsmand right to appeal to an arbitrator
retten til endelig tildeling af en ordre right to the final award of the contract
retten til fri sejlads freedom of navigation
retter på basis af mel farinaceous foods
retter tilberedt på basis af fisk food products made from fish
retter tilberedt på basis af fisk foods prepared from fish
retter tilberedt på basis af mel farinaceous foods
rettidigt at the appropriate time
rettidigt in due course