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Terms for subject General (48989 entries)
rekognoscering i forbindelse med en redningsindsats rescue reconnaissance
rekognosceringsfly reconnaissance aircraft
rekognosceringsfly scout plane
rekognosceringshold fact-finding team
rekombinantplasmid recombinant plasmids
rekombinator recombiner
rekombinator for brint hydrogen recombiner
rekommandation recommendation
rekommandation nr. R88 af 20. oktober 1988, vedtaget af Europarådets Ministerkomité Recommendation No R (88) of 20 October 1988 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
rekommanderet forsendelse registered item
rekompressionsevaporator met tvungen cirkulation recompression plant with forced circulation
rekonvalescens after-care
rekonvalescens after-treatment
rekonvalescens follow-up treatment
rekonvalescenskur eller postoperativ kur convalescence cure
rekreation recuperation
Rektalcreme Rectal cream
Rektalgel Rectal gel
Rektalkapsel Rectal capsule, soft
Rektalsalve Rectal ointment