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Terms for subject General (46123 entries)
palmeblade palms [leaves of the palm tree]
palmekage palm kernel cake
palmekage palm kernel expeller
palmekernekage palm kernel cake
palmekernekage palm kernel expeller
palmekerneolie palm kernel oil
palmekerneolie palm nut and kernel oil
palmeolie til brug som næringsmiddel palm oil for food
palmer palm trees
påløbne renter samt optjent leje accrued interest and rent
påmindelse reminder
påmindelsesbrev letter of reminder
pandebånd [beklædning] headbands [clothing]
pandekager binding agents for edible ices
pandekager binding agents for ice cream [edible ices]
pandekager binding agents for ice cream
panel bank of solar cells
panel photovoltaic panel
panel solar cell panel
panel solar panel