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Terms for subject Finances (28707 entries)
pantelånervirksomhed lending against security
pantelånervirksomhed pawn-brokerage
panteobligation guaranteed bond
panteobligation guaranteed debenture
panteobligation mortgage bond
panteobligation mortgage certificate
panteobligation mortgage debenture
panteportefølje mortgage portfolio
panterettighed i luftfartøj aircraft lien
pantsætning af værdipapirer lodging of securities as cover
pantsætning af værdipapirer pledging of securities
pantsætte pawn
pantsætte put something in pawn
pantsætte rettigheder pledge interests
pantsat ejendom pledged property
pantsat guld pledged gold
pantsat til det långivende kreditinstitut pledged to the lending credit institution
papir certificate
papir evidence of title
papir banknote paper