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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
ødelæggelse af naturlig plantevækst deterioration of natural vegetation
ødelæggelse af skovområder clearance of forests
ødelæggelse af skovområder deforestation
ødelæggelse af skovområder forest cover destruction
ødelæggelse af skovområder forest destruction
ødelæggelse af skovområder forest cover destruction (Destruction of forests is carried out in many countries in order to provide new land for agricultural or livestock purposes. It is often done without factors such as climate and topography having been sufficiently studied and on lands where slope nature of the soil or other physiographic characteristics clearly indicate that the land involved is suitable only for forest. Although these practices may lead to a temporary increase in productivity, there are also many indications that in the long run there is usually a decrease in productivity per unit of surface and that erosion and irreversible soil deterioration often accompany this process. Many factors contribute to forest cover destruction: timber production, clearance for agriculture, cutting for firewood and charcoal, fires, droughts, strip mining, pollution, urban development, population pressures, and warfare)
ødelæggelsestærskel disturbance threshold
odonata odonate
ødslen med naturens ressourcer wastage of natural resources
OECD's gule niveau OECD amber tier
OECD's røde niveau OECD red tier
OECD-klassifikationsliste over affald bestemt til nyttiggørelse OECD classification list of wastes destined for recovery operations
oedelaeggelse af den naturlige bevoksning deterioration of natural vegetation
oedelaeggelse af den naturlige plantevaekst deterioration of natural vegetation
oekolog ecologist
oekologisk katastrofe ecocatastrophe
oekologisk katastrofe ecological disaster
off-site behandling off-site treatment
offentlig governmental
offentlig adgang til areal public access to land