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Terms for subject Statistics (8509 entries)
non-lineær funktion nonlinear function
non-parametrisk metode parameter-free method
nordamerikanske statistiske fil over geografiske grænser,den North America Statistical Areas Boundary File
Norges Statistiske Centralbureau Statistics Norway
normal ækvivalent standardiseret afvigelse normal equivalent deviate
normal fejlmargin ved skøn residual standard deviation
normal fejlmargin ved skøn sample standard deviation around the regression line
normal fejlmargin ved skøn standard error of estimate
normal-/Gauss fordeling normal distribution
normal-ligninger normal equations
normal-score tests normal scores test
normal-spredning normal dispersion
normal-transformering normalising transform
normal-transformering af frekvensfunktion normalisation of frequency function
normal-transformering af frekvensfunktion normalization of frequency function
normal-transformering af score normalisation of scores
normal-transformering af score normalization of scores
normal/ Gauss fordeling Gauss distribution
normal/ Gauss fordeling Gaussian distribution
normalfordeling Gauss-Laplace distribution