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Terms for subject Mathematics (3236 entries)
observerbar variabel observable variable
observeret informationsmatrix observed information matrix
Occams barberkniv Occam's razor
odds odds
oddsratio relative risk
oddsratio odds ratio
ødelæggende afprøvning destructive test
økologiske fejlslutning ecological fallacy
økologiske studier ecologic study
ombyttelig exchangeable (variables)
ombyttelig symmetrically dependent
ombyttelighed exchangeability
omfattende prøvetagning extensive sampling
omfattende størrelser extensive magnitudes
område sammenlignelighed faktor area comparability factor
omtrentlige frihedsgrader approximate degrees of freedom
op og Op notation op and Op notation
op-og-ned-metode Bruceton method
op-og-ned-metode staircase method
op-og-ned-metode up and down method