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Terms for subject Education (3692 entries)
ledende undervisingsvejledere educational adviser
ledende undervisingsvejledere principal educational adviser
ledende undervisningsvejleder Principal Educational Adviser
leder af uddannelsesdistrikt regional education authority
lederholdning management attitude
ledig stilling job vacancy
ledsageprogram companion programme
legat stipend
legat scholarship
legat study bursary
legat study grant
legemsøvelser physical education
lejret i embedded
lejrskole outdoor expeditions and classes
lektiebog class-book
lektiekalender class diary of a pupil
lektielæsningslokale Centre for supervised study and recreation
lektor associate professor
lektor senior lecturer
Leonardo Da Vinci-program Action Programme for the Implementation of a European Community Vocational Training Policy