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Terms for subject Economy (19808 entries)
landbrugsudstyr agricultural equipment
landbrugsudviklingsplan farm development plan
landbrugsudviklingsplan agricultural development plan
landbrugsudviklingsprogram agricultural development programme
landbrugsundervisning agricultural education
lande hvis primærproduktion ikke er olie non-oil primary producing countries
lande i Kaukasus Caucasus countries
lande i Stillehavssamfundet countries of the Pacific Community
lande med overgangsøkonomi country in transition
lande med overgangsøkonomi country moving towards a market economy
lande med overgangsøkonomi country that is undergoing the process of transition to a market economy
landejendoms salgsværdi commercial value of a farm
landerisiko country risk
landerisikoportefølje country risk portfolio
landespecifik anbefaling country-specific recommendation
landespecifik henstilling country-specific recommendation
landespecifik udtalelse country-specific opinion
landespecifik udtalelse country opinion
landet mængde quantity of fish landed
landets finansielle aktiver i konverterbare betalingsmidler assets of the country in effectively convertible currency