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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
kreditbistand credit assistance
kreditbistand credit assistance (The help and support from banks and other financial institutions in providing money or goods without requiring present payment)
kreditpolitik credit policy (An official course of action adopted by a business, financial institution or state to regulate, restrict or increase deferred payment arrangements for goods, services or money)
kredsløbs-element device
Kreta-art Cretan formation
kridt chalk (A soft, pure, earthy, fine-textured, usually white to light gray or buff limestone of marine origin, consisting almost wholly (90-99%) of calcite, formed mainly by shallow-water accumulation of calcareous tests of floating microorganisms (chiefly foraminifers) and of comminuted remains of calcareous algae (such as cocoliths and rhabdoliths), set in a structureless matrix of very finely crystalline calcite. The rock is porous, somewhat friable, and only slightly coherent. It may include the remains of bottom-dwelling forms (e.g. ammonites, echinoderms, and pelecypods), and nodules of chert and pyrite. The best known and most widespread chalks are of Cretaceous age, such as those exposed in cliffs on both sides of the English Channel)
krig war
krig war (A conflict or a state of hostility between two or more parties, nations or states, in which armed forces or military operations are used)
krigsoffer war victim (A person that suffers from the destructive action undertaken as a result of an armed conflict between two or more parties, particularly death, injury, hardship, loss of property or dislocation)
kriminalitet criminality (A violation of the law, punishable by the State in criminal proceedings)
kriminalitet criminality
krisestyring crisis management (The technique, practice or science of handling or controlling situations of acute difficulty, danger or instability; or the total of measures taken to provide a solution for political, economic, environmental or other similar dangers and conflicts)
kriterier for måling af partikler der kun når ned i de extratorakale organer extrathoracic convention
kriterier for måling af partikler der når ned i den traceobronkiale del af luftvejssystemet tracheobronchial convention
kriterier for måling af partikler der når ned i thorax thoracic convention
kriterier for måling af partikler der når ud i alveolerne respirable convention
kriterier for måling af partikler der ved indånding kan bevæge sig ned i luftvejene inhalable convention
kriterier for måling af partikler der ved indånding kan bevæge sig ned i luftvejene inhalable sampling convention
kriterium for miljøvurdering environmental assessment criterion (Principle or standard for the evaluation or appraisal of ecological or natural resources)
kriterium for miljøvurdering environmental assessment criterion