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Terms for subject General (46123 entries)
konsolidering af ændrede fællesskabsretsakter produce consolidated texts of amended Community legislation
konsolidering af demokratiseringsprocesen consolidation of the democratic process
konsolidering af freden consolidation of peace
konsolidering af freden peacebuilding
konsolidering af stilling consolidation of position
konsoller til gasbrændere brackets for gas burners
konsortiallån loans granted by a syndicate
kønsstimulerende hormon gonadotropic
kønsstimulerende hormon stimulating sperm production
konstant bemandet over året continuous yearly occupancy
konstant inspektion continuous inspection
konstant tryksat, dobbelt indeslutning continuously pressurized double containment
konstatere draw up and certify in legal form
konstatere assess
konstatere note
konstatere establish
konstatere find
konstatere note
konstatere record
konstatere afstemningsresultatet establish the result of the vote