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Terms for subject Information technology (28261 entries)
kommandoswitchingnet command switching network
kommandotegn command character
kommandotegn initialization character
kommentar comment
kommentardeklaration comment declaration
kommentarfelt comment field
kommentarlinje comment line
kommentarliste annotation listing
kommentarseparator comment delimiter
kommentarseparator comment separator
kommerciel serviceorgan commercial host
kommercielt multimediekatalog multimedia commercial catalogue
kommercielt tekstbehandlingsprogram commercial word processor
Kommissionens geografiske informationssystem geographic information system of the Commission
kommunikation intercommunication
kommunikation for tidstro behandling real-time processing communication
kommunikation mellem datamater intercomputer communication
kommunikation mellem systemer inter-system communications
kommunikation via en bus med to ledninger communicating over a two wire bus
kommunikations styreprocessor communication control processor