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Terms for subject Environment (21752 entries)
kanarisk blød petrel gon-gon
kanarisk bynkefugl Canary Islands stonechat
kanarisk langtået due Bolle's laurel pigeon
kanter edgings
kantonlovgivning cantonal law
Kap Verde-petrel Madeira petrel
Kap Verde-petrel freira
Kap Verde-petrel Madeiran petrel
Kap Verde-petrel Zino's petrel
kapacitet som dræn sink capacity
kapillærbrydende lag separation layer
kapillært vand capillary water
kapillarpore capillary pore
kapillarzone capillary fringe
kapitalmarked financial market (A place or institution in which buyers and sellers meet and trade monetary assets, including stocks, bonds, securities and money)
kapsel bottle cap (No definition needed)
kapsel bottle cap
karakteristisk art typical species
karbonat carbonate (A salt or ester of carbonic acid)
karbonat carbonate