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Terms for subject Environment (21752 entries)
kalkuleret bruttovægt computed gross weight
kalkuleret maksimumlast maximum computed gross weight
kalkuleringsformular for last load calculation form
kam comb-shaped grid
kammerfilterpresse compartment-type filter press
kampagne for et gennembrud for vedvarende energi Campaign for Take-Off
kampagne til bevidstgørelse af borgerne public awareness campaign (An organized, systematic effort through various communications media to alert the general population of a given area to anything of significant interest or concern)
kampstof combat agent
kan forårsage uønskede langtidsvirkninger i miljøet R58
kan forårsage uønskede langtidsvirkninger i miljøet may cause long-term adverse effects in the environment
kanal canal (An artificial open waterway used for transportation, waterpower, or irrigation)
kanal med konstant hastighed constant-velocity channel
kanaliserede emissioner channelled emissions
kanaliserede emissioner channelled releases
kanalisering channelling (Any system of distribution canals or conduits for water, gas, electricity, or steam)
kanalsluse canal lock (A chamber with gates on both ends connecting two sections of a canal or other waterway, to raise or lower the water level in each section)
kanarisk blød petrel gon-gon
kanarisk bynkefugl Canary Islands stonechat
kanarisk langtået due Bolle's laurel pigeon
kanter edgings