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Terms for subject Environment (21752 entries)
genanvendelse af plutonium plutonium recycling
genanvendelse af radioaktive stoffer reuse of radioactive substances
genanvendelse af rester residue recycling
genanvendelse af rester residue recycling (Recycling of material or energy which is left over or wasted in industrial processes and other human activities. Examples include waste heat and gaseous pollutants from electricity generation, slag from metal-ore refining, and garbage. A residual becomes an output or input when a technological advance creates economic opportunities for the waste)
genanvendelse af slam reuse of sludge
genanvendelse af slam sludge treatment section capable of producing reusable material
genanvendelse af slam recycling of sludge
genanvendelse af spildevandsslam recycling of sludge
genanvendelse ved hurtig størkningsproces recycling by rapid solidification
genanvendelseshåndtering life-cycle management
genanvendelseshåndtering recycling management
genanvendelseshåndtering life-cycle management (Management of all the stages involved in the life of a product such as raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management, in order to create less environmentally harmful products)
genanvendelsesindustri recycling industry
genanvendelseskredsløb recycling circuit
genanvendelseskvote recycling ratio
genanvendelsesmateriale recycled material
genanvendelsespotentiel recycling potential
genanvendelsesprocent rate of recovery
genanvendelsesteknik recycling technique
genanvendelsesteknologi recycling technology