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Terms for subject General (46123 entries)
frit valg af læge og behandlingsinstitution free choice of practitioner and hospital or clinic
frit valg af læge og plejeinstitution free choice of practitioner and hospital or clinic
frit valg af læge og plejeinstitution free choice of pratictioner and hospital or clinic
fritagelse exemption
fritagelse for anmeldelsespligt exception to the notification requirement
fritagelsesforordning exempting Regulation
fritagelsesforordning exemption regulation
fritagelsestype exemption letter
fritaget for national beskatning exempt from national taxes
fritaget for national besktning exempt from national taxes
fritaget for told og afgifter med tilsvarende virkning free of customs duties and charges having equivalent effect
fritaget fra beredskabsforpligtelser released
fritfaldspenetrator free-fall penetrator
fritid leisure time
fritid time off
fritidshjem after school child-minding service
fritidsområde leisure area
fritidsudvalg recreation committee
fritstående ministermøde free-standing ministerial meeting
friværelse complimentary rooms