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Terms for subject Environment (21752 entries)
forskning i økosystemer ecosystem research
forskning i økosystemer ecosystem research (Study of the ways in which plants, animals, and microbes interact with each other and with their physical environment and of the processes involving the circulation, transformation and accumulation of both matter, especially nutrient materials, and energy)
forskning i støj noise research
forskning i virkninger research of the effects
forskning i virkninger effects research
forskning i virkninger research of the effects (Investigation carried out to assess the results deriving from an action or condition; general term applying to many different fields)
forskningscenter research centre (Place where systematic investigation to establish facts or principles or to collect information on a subject is performed)
forskningsinstitut research institute
forskningsinstitution research institute
forskningsprogram vedrørende udnyttelse og forvaltning af jord og vand Land and water use and management research programme
forskningsprojekt research project (Proposal, plan or design containing the necessary information and data for conducting a specific survey)
forskningsprojekt vedrørende eutrofieringen af den sydlige del af Nordsøen Phaeocystis project
forskningsprojekt vedrørende eutrofieringen af den sydlige del af Nordsøen research project on the eutrophication of the southern North Sea
forskrift regulation
Forskriftsudvalget for EF-Ordningen for Tildeling af Miljømærke Regulatory Committee on the Community award scheme for an eco-label
Forskriftsudvalget vedrørende Rensning af Kommunalt Spildevand Regulatory Committee on Municipal Waste Water Treatment
forskydning i jordens økologiske balance change in the world ecological balance
forskydninger displacement
forskydningskoefficient evolution coefficient
forslamning siltation