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Terms for subject General (48982 entries)
borestål [dele af håndværktøj] bits [parts of hand tools]
borestang jumper
borfiber boron fiber
borgercharter Citizens'Charter
Borgerdemokratisk Alliance Civic Democratic Alliance
borgerdiplomati citizen diplomacy
borgerdiplomati track two diplomacy
Borgerforum Civic Forum
borgerinitiativ European citizens' initiative
borgerinitiativ citizens' initiative
borgerlige uroligheder civil disturbances
Borgernes Europa Europe of the citizen
Borgernes Europa citizens' Europe
Borgernes Europa people's Europe
borgernes manglende entusiasme disenchantment of citizens
borgervenlig citizen-friendly
borgfredspagt memorandum on civic accord
borgmester chief officer of city
borgmester lord mayor
borgmester mayor