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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
beskyttelse af jorden soil conservation
beskyttelse af klimaet og ozonlaget ozone layer and climate protection
beskyttelse af kystområder coast protection
beskyttelse af kystområder coast protection (A form of environmental management designed to allay the progressive degradation of the land by coastal erosion processes. Sea defence works can be undertaken to protect the land from erosion and encroachment by the sea and against flooding. These involve engineering solutions such as groynes, sea walls, bulkheads, revetments and breakwaters)
beskyttelse af levesteder conservation of the habitats
beskyttelse af levesteder habitat protection
beskyttelse af levesteder protection of habitats
beskyttelse af miljø og sundhed environmental health protection
beskyttelse af miljø og sundhed environmental health protection (Measures or devices designed to reduce the risk of harm to human health posed by pollutants or other threatening conditions in the ecosystem)
beskyttelse af naturen nature protection
beskyttelse af naturlige og delvis naturlige levesteder Protection of natural and semi-natural habitats
beskyttelse af naturområder natural areas protection
beskyttelse af offentligheden mod stråling fra radon i boliger protection of the public against doses of radiation arising from radon in houses
beskyttelse af rovfugle protection of birds of prey
Beskyttelse af Skoven Protection of Forests
beskyttelse af vådområder water catchment protection
beskyttelse af vand water protection (Measures to conserve surface and groundwater; to ensure the continued availability of water for growing domestic, commercial and industrial uses and to ensure sufficient water for natural ecosystems)
beskyttelse af vandløb waters protection
beskyttelse af vandmiljøet protection of the aquatic environment
beskyttelse af vandmiljøet protection of ambient water