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Terms for subject Fish farming (pisciculture) (5730 entries)
beskyttelse af unge marine organismer protection of juveniles of marine organisms
beskyttelsesområdet for fladfisk flatfish protected area
beslag backstrop ring
beslaglæggelse seizure
bestand truet af sammenbrud stock in danger of collapse
bestand, der er truet af sammenbrud stock in danger of collapse
bestand, for hvilken der gælder et moratorium stock which is subject to a moratorium
bestande resources
bestandenes tilstand state of stocks
bestandenes tilstand state of the stocks
bestandsgenopretning recovery of stocks
bestandsgenopretning restoration of stocks
bestandsgenopretning stock recovery
bestandskollaps stock collapse
bestandsmønster stock patterns
bestandsophjælpning recovery of stocks
bestandsophjælpning restoration of stocks
bestandsophjælpning stock recovery
bestandsophjælpning gennem udsætning stock enhancement
bestandssammenbrud stock collapse