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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
beboelse i byer urban habitat (The resulting effects and interrelationships of human population concentrations, the built environment, and the biophysical environment)
beboelse på landet rural settlement (A collection of dwellings located in a rural area)
beboelse på landet rural settlement
beboelse på landet rural habitat (The biotopes located in areas where agriculture is practiced)
beboelsesbygning residential building (A building allocated for residence)
beboelsesejendom apartment block
beboelsesområde residential area (Area that has only private houses, not offices and factories)
beboelsesrum living space
beboelsesvogn mobile home
bebyggede omgivelser built environment
bebyggede omgivelser built environment (That part of the physical surroundings which are people-made or people-organized, such as buildings and other major structures, roads, bridges and the like, down to lesser objects such as traffic lights, telephone and pillar boxes)
bebyggelse i landdistrikter rural settlement
bebyggelsestæthed housing density (The number of dwelling units or the residential population of a given geographic area)
bebyggelsestæthed housing density
bebygget område built-up area (Area which is full of houses, shops, offices and other buildings, with very little open space)
bedøvende middel anaesthetic bait
bedriftssundhedstjeneste occupational health care
bedriftssundhedstjeneste occupational health services
bedst mulige miljøpraksis best environmental practice
bedste miljømæssige praksis best environmental practice