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Terms for subject Medical (74439 entries)
antagonistisk hæmning antagonistic inhibition
antal ALI for indtagelse number of ALI for ingestion
antal ALI for indtagelse number of annual limits of intake for ingestion
antal arbejdstimer hours of work
antal cellekulturer pr.eksperimentelt punkt number of cell cultures per experimental point
antal døde implantater pr. hun dead implants per female
antal elementer number of items
antal planter number of plants
antal senge pr. 1000 indbyggere number of beds per 1000 inhabitants
antal spontane revertanter number of spontaneous revertants
antal sygdomstilfælde på et givet tidspunkt prevalence
antal tilbagemuterede kolonier pr.plade number of revertant colonies per plate
ante-uterin anteuterine
antebrachium forearm
antebrachium lower arm
antebrachium antibrachium
antebrachium antebrachium
antecedens antecedent
antecedentia antecedent
antecendentia antecedent