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Terms for subject Statistics (9051 entries)
Andersons klassifikations-stikprøvefunktion Anderson's classification statistic
andet jordbrug other land use
andet jordbrug i km2 other land use-sq km
andet jordbrug i pct.af samlet areal other land use-% of land area
andre other
andre others
andre carbonhydrider other hydrocarbons
andre erhvervsordninger other occupational schemes
andre gaskul og antracit other bituminous coal and anthracite
andre incitamenter other incentives
andre indtægter in search of work
andre nettoinvesteringer other net investment
andre ordninger other schemes
andre private ordninger other private schemes
andre råvarer other primary commodities
andre sektorer other sectors
andre skatter other taxes
andre tjenester,eksport other services,exports
andre tjenester,import other services,imports
andre træbevoksede arealer other wooded areas