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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
almen grunduddannelse primary education
almen kemi general chemistry (The study of the elements and the compounds they form)
almen kemi general chemistry
almen uddannelse primary education (The first five or six years of instruction in elementary schools)
alment tilgængelig litteratur open literature
almindelig tulipantræ American tulip tree
almindelig tulipantræ tulip poplar
almindelig tulipantræ tulip tree
almindeligt industriaffald ordinary industrial waste
Alpe-konventionen Alpine Convention
Alpe-konventionen Convention on the protection of the Alps
Alpekonference Alpine Conference
Alpekonferencen Alpine Conference
Alpekonferencens Stående Udvalg Conference Standing Committee
Alpekonventionen Alpine Convention
Alpekonventionen Convention on the Protection of the Alps
alpha-beta-pseudokoincidens-difference proceduren alpha-beta-pseudocoincidence-difference principle
alpin bevoksning af pionertype alpine pioneer formation
alpin pionervegetation Alpine pioneer formations
alpin tundra alpine tundra