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Terms for subject Transport (39190 entries)
ulastet køretøj unladen vehicle
ulastet køretøj empty vehicle
uledsaget bagage expedite baggage
uledsaget indskrevet bagage unaccompanied hold baggage
uledsaget indtjekket bagage unaccompanied hold baggage
uledsaget kombineret transport unaccompanied combined transport
ulempe disutility
ulige fordelt læs unequally-distributed load
ulineær anflyvning non-linear approach
ulovligt anslag mod flyet unlawful interference with the aircraft
ultralet fly ultra-light aircraft
ultralet motoriseret fly ultralight motorized aircraft
ultralydudstyr ultrasonic equipment
ulykke med farligt gods dangerous goods accident
ulykkesforloeb facts of the case
ulykkesforloeb how it happened
ulykkesforskning accident study
umiddelbar destination immediate destination
umulig koblingsstilling coupling impossible position
under broen below the bridge