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Terms for subject General (46123 entries)
S52 not recommended for interior use on large surface areas
S53 avoid exposure-obtain special instructions before use
S56 do not discharge into drains or the environment, dispose to an authorised waste collection point
S57 use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination
S58 be disposed of as hazardous waste
S59 refer to manufacturer/supplier for information on recovery/recycling
S6 keep under... (inert gas to be specified by the manufacturer)
S60 this material and/or its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste
S7 keep container tightly closed
S7/8 keep container tightly closed and dry
S7/9 keep container tightly closed and in a well-ventilated place
S8 keep container dry
S9 keep container in a well-ventilated place
sabel sabre
sabel sword
sabelskeder sword scabbards
sabler sabres
saccharoseestere af fedtsyrer (estere af saccharose og spisefedtsyrer) E 473
saccharoseestere af fedtsyrer E 473
saccharoseestere i blanding med mono- og diglycerider af fedtsyrer E 474