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Terms for subject Accounting (1614 entries)
afslutningsfejl cut-off error
afslutningsstatus final balance sheet
afslutningsstatus list of closing balances
afstemning reconciliation
akkumulationskonti for udlandet rest-of-the-world accumulation accounts
akkumuleret underskud accumulated deficit
akkumuleret underskud accumulated loss
aktie equity instrument
aktier shares
aktier og andre ejerandelsbeviser shares and other equity
aktier og andre ejerandelsbeviser ekskl. andele i investeringsforeninger shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares
aktieselskab public company limited by shares
aktiver assets and liabilities
aktiver i alt total assets
aktiver i undergrunden subsoil assets
aktiver og passiver assets
aktiver/passiver i fremmed valuta assets/liabilities denominated in foreign currencies
aktivere book as an asset
aktivere enter as an asset
aktivere put on the assets side