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Terms for subject General (46123 entries)
wireklemme rope clamp
wireklemme rope clip
wireklemme rope coupling
wireklemme rope lock
wirelag layer
wirelås rope clamp
wirelås rope clip
wirelås rope coupling
wirelås rope lock
wireline-boring wire-line coring
wirestrammer tensor
wirestrammer turnbuckle
Wise Pen Wise Pen
WMD-strategien EU WMD Strategy
WMD-strategien EU Strategy against the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
workshop workshop
workshop om videnskabelige og teknologiske emner workshop on scientific and technological issues
WTO-overenskomsten Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation
WTO-overenskomsten Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
WTO-overenskomsten WTO Agreement