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Terms for subject Astronautics (302 entries)
tankningskøretøj fuelling vehicle
tankningsområde fuelling area
tekniske forsinkelser technical delays
tjenestetid hours when service is provided
trafikinformationsområde traffic information area
traktat om det ydre rum Outer Space Treaty
traktat om det ydre rum Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
traktat om principper for staters virksomhed ved udforskning og udnyttelse af det ydre rum, herunder månen og andre himmellegemer Outer Space Treaty
traktat om principper for staters virksomhed ved udforskning og udnyttelse af det ydre rum, herunder månen og andre himmellegemer Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
transitflyvning transiting by air
trin-ned step down
trin-op step up
tropisk år tropical year
tusmørkeperiode twilight period
type A nødudgang type a emergency exit
type I nødudgang type I emergency exit
type II nødudgang type II emergency exit
ubemandet interplanetarisk rumflyvning unmanned interplanetary space flight
udskiftningsfrekvens replacement frequency
udtagning af spin flat spin recovery