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Terms for subject Insurance (3168 entries)
obligationer udstedt af offentlige værker o.l. utilities
obligationer udstedt af offentlige værker o.l. utility bonds
obligatorisk finansiel sikkerhedsstillelse mandatory financial security
obligatorisk genforsikring obligatory reinsurance
obligatorisk selvrisiko compulsory excess
obligatorisk solvensmargin required solvency margin
obligatorisk statslig forsikring compulsory national insurance
OECD's Eksportkredit- og Eksportkreditforsikringsgruppe OECD Working Party on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees
OECD's konsensusaftale Arrangements on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits
OECD's konsensusaftale OECD Consensus
OECD's Konsensusgruppe OECD Consensus Group
OECD's Konsultationsgruppe vedrørende Enkeltsager OECD Specific Consultations Group
OECD-erklæringerne (af 15. maj 1975) om lokale omkostninger OECD Declarations on local costs (of 15 May 1975)
OECD-Konsensusgruppen OECD Consensus Group
OECD-Rådets resolution om ændring af arrangementet vedrørende eksportkreditter til skibe Resolution of the OECD Council concerning an Amendment of the Understanding on Export Credits for Ships
offentlig ansvarsforsikring public liability insurance
offentlig bistand public assistance
offentlig facilitet official facilities
offentlig forsorg public assistance
offentlig køber public buyer