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Terms for subject United Nations (837 entries)
naturlig ret til individuelt eller kollektivt selvforsvar inherent right of individual or collective self-defence
nedrustningskomité Committee on Disarmament
nedrustningskomité Disarmament Committee
nedrustningskonference Conference on Disarmament
nedrustningskonference Committee on Disarmament
nedrustningsuge Disarmament Week
New Horizon-initiativet New Horizon initiative
nødhjælpskoordinator Emergency Relief Coordinator
offentlige goder collective goods
offentlige goder public goods
omfattende tværfaglig strategi Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline
omfattende tværfaglig strategi Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control
omnibusresolution "omnibus" resolution
område, der administreres under tilsynsordningen territory administered under the trusteeship system
Operation Lifeline Sudan Operation "Lifeline Sudan"
opgørelse af skovressourcer Forest Resources Assessment
opgørelse af skovressourcer Global Forest Resources Assessment
opgørelse af verdens skovressourcer Forest Resources Assessment
opgørelse af verdens skovressourcer Global Forest Resources Assessment
organisatorisk møde organisational meeting